
Monday, 5 January 2015

Pineapple Jam

It is not difficult to make pineapple jam, just that the process takes a very long time.

Using a different sugar will gives you a different jam colour. 
If brown sugar is used, you'll get a deeper brown coloured jam. 

Here is how I prepare my pineapple purée. 

1. Cut the top & bottom of the pineapple. 

2. Cut away the skin. You can cut deeper into the flesh to get rid of some of the "eyes". 

3. Remove the "eyes" from the pineapple, buy cutting a V along the eyes. 

4. Keep going until you have all the "eyes" removed. 

5. Cut them into smaller chuncks to be puréed in the blender. 

6. Drained the juice, to reduce the liquid before the cooking process. 

Pineapple Jam Recipe: 

Yeild about 650g of jam. 

1500g pineapple purée
350g white sugar / brown sugar 
2 pandan leaves ( optional ) 

Preparation Steps: 
1. Place the pan on the stove heat on high flame. Add in all the ingredients & give it a good stir & mix well. 
2. Once the purée started to bubbles. Reduced heat to medium mode. 
3. Stir constantly until the liquid level reduced. 
4. Try your jam, if it is not sweet enough add more sugar, tablespoon by tablespoon & continue to cook the jam until texture is dry. 
5. Transfer the cooked jam to a clean , sterlised container / jar. 
6. Seal, label & date your jam. 

Voilà ! 

Chin's Notes. 
1. I like to use heavy based pan, because it can reduced the chances of burning the jam easily. 
2. I like my jam color cooked in brown sugar. The color is deeper & I like the taste too. It is my personal preference.
3. Jam can be kept in the fridge for at least 1 month in a sterlised containers. 
4. Taste the jam while cooking, if it is not sweet enough add more sugar until you get the sweetness that you like. 
5. You can make it slightly sweeter because after you baked them to the pastry, the sweetness is usually reduced. 

6. Different type of sugar was used. The one on the left is cooked in brown sugar & the one on the right is in white sugar.  

7. These are suitable for pineapple tarts. Pineapple tarts recipes :
Pineapple rolls : 
Pineapple closed tarts : 

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